Women’s health issues are commonly thought of as isolated conditions, without connection to the rest of the body, and conventional treatments often reflect as such. For example, heavy periods can lead to surgical removal of a uterus, and menopausal symptoms are treated with antidepressants or hormone replacement therapy.

Very rarely is a woman asked the question, “How are these symptoms a reflection of your overall physical health and mental state?” We ask that question at MHS, where gynecological issues provide a window into a woman’s general well-being.

We incorporate mind and body in diagnosis and treatment of women’s issues, with great success in achieving health for the whole person. Here we list two commonly-seen examples.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by lack of mature follicle development in the ovaries, irregular or no ovulation and periods, infertility, excessive growth of facial and body hair, and weight gain. PCOS is caused by insulin resistance. Conventional medicine manages PCOS symptoms with diabetes medications or the birth control pill.

Applying our understanding of the underlying physiology, our treatment approach for PCOS successfully reduces insulin resistance, promotes weight loss, regulates periods and ovulation, and improves fertility.

Endometriosis is growth of uterine (endometrial) tissue outside of the uterus, often leading to pelvic pain, abdominal adhesions, very heavy periods, and may be implicated in infertility. Conventional treatments include hormonal therapies, pain relievers, and surgical removal of extra-uterine endometrial tissue.

Our treatments support the normalization of endometrial tissue, rebalance circulation, alleviate pain, and promote fertility.

For the above and most other women’s health issues, we employ 3 main treatment strategies: fungi

Acupuncture to promote healthy circulation patterns, balance the immune system, decrease the stress response, and alleviate pain;

Dietary counseling with a focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide optimal reproductive and overall health;

Herbal and nutritional supplementation to balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, stabilize blood sugars, and enhance mental-emotional well-being.


Common Women’s Health Conditions Treated at MHS:

Preconception / fertility Acupuncture to enhance IVF outcomes

Miscarriage Prevention

Prenatal / Postpartum conditions

Labor preparation

Lactation support

Anovulation (absence of ovulation)

Amenorrhea (absence of periods)

Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)


Normalizing cycles after stopping hormonal contraceptives

Premenstrual syndrome

PCOS / irregular cycles

Ovarian cysts

Uterine fibroids

Fibrocystic breasts

… And many, many more.



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8. Helms JM: Acupuncture for the management of primary dysmenorrhea. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1987; 69:51-56.

9. Lewers D, Clelland JA, Jackson JR, Varner RE, Bergman J: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in the relief of primary dysmenorrhea. Physical Therapy 1989; 69:3-9.

10. Steinberger A: The treatment of dysmenorrhea by acupuncture. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1981; 9:57-60.