
Homeopathy is based on a system that uses microdoses of substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals to stimulate a natural healing response. Homeopathy is a therapeutic system founded on the principle of "like cures like." Homeopathy is practiced worldwide, and was introduced in the U.S. in 1825, but is most popular in Europe, South America, and India.
In 1796, Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) postulated the correlation that medicines can cure a pathological state that is similar to the state that the medicine produces in healthy subjects. Originally, Hahnemann gave medicines in very large doses. These helped his patients, but produced side-effects, which he felt were due to the excessive doses. He therefore continued to reduce the dose gradually to finally arrive at ultra-diluted and succussed substances in a systematic way. This approach eliminated most side-effects.
Homeopathy complements all conventional therapies, medical or surgical, and can be used independently or together with most complementary therapies. There are no known drug-drug interactions; homeopathy is considered quite safe. Homeopathy can be used for just about any health condition, and the American Institute of Homeopathy maintains and continually updates an extensive database, available free to the public, with over 6,000 research articles, many of which are published in peer-reviewed journals.
Banerji Approach to Homeopathy
The type of homeopathy practiced here at MHS is not "classical homeopathy" which seeks to identify a patient's constitutional remedy. Instead, we use an outcomes-driven, protocol-based style from the Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Kolkata, India. This homeopathic clinic sees about 6,000 patients per week that are treated by 10-12 doctors and utilizes protocols that show about 80% benefit for the complaint or disease treated. The ancestors of the late Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji have collected 150 years-worth of outcomes data where specific western-diagnosed pathologies are treated with homeopathic protocols as first perceived by the late Dr. Pareshnath Banerji. This is the concept that has given birth to the Banerji Protocols which are summarized in their book "The Banerji Protocols".
The Banerji Protocols work as follows: a patient has a specific disease diagnosis with his/her unique symptomatology. One or more remedies may be selected. The patient takes these remedies for a few weeks. Based on his/her response the remedies may need to be changed until ultimately, the condition or symptoms resolve. The remedies are discontinued when normal physiology has been restored.
Dr. Schüssler’s Trace Mineral Salts
Dr. Schüssler's Trace Mineral Salts follow the principles of the homeopathic theory laid out by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the "Father of Homeopathy." Among his successors was Dr. Wilhelm H. Schūssler (1821-1898), a homeopathic physician, who was troubled by the vast array and volume of homeopathic medicines being used in the early history of homeopathic medicine. Dr. Schūssler wanted to find an easier way to use homeopathy for his patients. He carefully followed the work of Dr. Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow, often referred to as the "Father of Modern Cellular Pathology." Dr. Virchow taught that all diseases are based upon a change in function or condition of cells in the body. This theory led Schūssler to analyze the basic components of the body, a field of study called “cellular research.”Dr. Schüssler's Trace Mineral Salts follow the principles of the homeopathic theory laid out by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the "Father of Homeopathy." Among his successors was Dr. Wilhelm H. Schūssler (1821-1898), a homeopathic physician, who was troubled by the vast array and volume of homeopathic medicines being used in the early history of homeopathic medicine. Dr. Schūssler wanted to find an easier way to use homeopathy for his patients. He carefully followed the work of Dr. Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow, often referred to as the "Father of Modern Cellular Pathology." Dr. Virchow taught that all diseases are based upon a change in function or condition of cells in the body. This theory led Schūssler to analyze the basic components of the body, a field of study called "cellular research."
Dr. Schūssler discovered a common pattern of twelve salts, or biochemical minerals, to be not only prevalent, but critical for healthy physiological functioning in the human body. His studies led him to conclude that dysfunctions in the human body were provoked by deficiencies in these cellular minerals. After Dr. Schüssler‘s death, as biochemical research advanced, 21 more trace mineral salts were discovered.
All life is fueled by reactions between various chemical elements which are known as nutrients. These chemical elements, also known as trace mineral salts, are needed in small amounts so our bodies can function optimally.
Trace mineral salts, in particular, help facilitate many biochemical reactions; are important building blocks for enzyme synthesis; act as builders of tissue, including connective tissue; serve as anti-oxidants; support growth and development; optimize neurological function; support the blood and vascular system; improve metabolic functions of tissues and organs; slow the oxidation or aging of tissues; are needed for hormone synthesis, and are required for normal sex organ development.
Unfortunately, hundreds of years of poor agricultural practices, including the use of inorganic fertilizers, have depleted minerals found in soil. Therefore, even if we purchase organic, local, farm-grown food it is unlikely to contain the minerals needed for optimal physiology. Without a proper cellular mineral reservoir, you couldn't think, bend at your joints, stand up straight, digest food, or eliminate toxins. Deficiency of one or more of these minerals puts your body out of balance and into "dis-ease," where your energy drops, you may experience unclear thinking or depression, or may lose emotional balance. Facial analysis aides in the diagnosis of specific minerals that may be missing in an individual. Anyone can buy and use these trace mineral salts, without fear of toxicity. This includes pregnant or nursing women, old or young alike, those taking medications, and even those using other natural therapies.