
Fertility and beyond

It’s our honor and delight to be a part of your journey in bringing a healthy baby into this world.


Fertility and beyond

It’s our honor and delight to be a part of your journey in bringing a healthy baby into this world.


We have helped bring hundreds of healthy babies into this world. Sometimes it’s a breeze! We nourish the right bodies in the right ways at the right time, and the perfect baby arrives.

Other times the process is harder: would-be parent(s) may come to us with years-long health challenges that have prevented them from conceiving. We work with each person to address their unique needs, for months or sometimes even a couple years, until step by step they restore their fertility, the right day comes, and the perfect baby arrives.

Anyone on the fertility journey already knows the news isn’t good: Infertility is a shockingly common problem in our modern world, affecting more than 20% of people in the U.S. who are trying to conceive (www.cdc.gov).

The problems can stem from multiple sources, both male and female: sperm count or quality, varicoceles, ejaculations disorders; ovary, uterine, and cervical problems, endometriosis, PCOS; auto-immune disease and diabetes frequently complicate fertility problems.

It’s a lot to navigate, and you’re supposed to do it while keeping your cool, because stress is bad for fertility!? How does one do that? This is where we get to help.

How can Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) enhance Fertility?

Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) has long been known to treat both female and male infertility (Zhu et al 2018, Feng et al 2021). Fertility treatments at Meridian Health Solutions aim to create healthy sperm, healthy eggs, a welcoming womb environment, and an open heart.

Treatments use a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and diet, which are tailored to each person’s unique needs. We counsel people on incorporating nutrient-dense “fertility foods” used by many traditional cultures. These tools reset you into overall better health so your fertility journey becomes an easier route.

Specifically, they improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, so the sperm, eggs, and endometrial lining grow into healthy terrain for creating and sustaining life. It’s our goal not only to help you have a child, but to have an extremely healthy child!

What if I have a medical issue and have to use ART?

Some medical causes of infertility can benefit greatly from Western medicine’s assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART is often a costly and invasive therapy, though it can help people have a baby when it would otherwise be impossible.

Many high-performing ART clinics have chosen to include Acupuncture as a part of their patients’ process, to help improve success rates.

Meridian Health Solutions practitioners can provide guidance and comfort through your ART process. We offer treatments to reduce side effects and improve outcomes. Reproductive endocrinologists even ask us to perform specific treatments to aid their process. For example, we can help one’s uterus less likely to spasm during egg retrieval so more eggs are available; or we can help to improve uterine lining quality for successful embryo transfer and implantation.

Most importantly, we help you manage this stressful time with information and tools that support your whole-person health.  

What types of fertility-related medical issues can acupuncture help with?

  • High FSH
  • Difficulty with implantation/conception
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/PCOS
  • Thin uterine lining
  • Sperm count, morphology, motility
  • Side effects from Assisted Reproductive Technology/ART
  • Poor response to IUI/IVF

How many sessions do I need?

Although not required, we suggest you begin therapy at least three months prior to trying to conceive, either naturally or with ART. Sperm development takes 70-90 days from start to finish; dormant egg cells take a comparable amount of time to mature; and it may take a few months to build up sufficient endometrial nutrients and balance hormones. To be fair, we have also helped many people conceive during this 3-month time frame. But we really think doing the groundwork is best.

Preparing your body for conception truly makes a difference! Our experience is that patients who do this have easier pregnancies with fewer complications – these are the people with that gorgeous “pregnancy glow” who just feel great.

LGBTQIA fertility

We believe that all people should have access to fertility treatments irrespective of marital status, sexual orientation, or gender. We love working with members of our queer community. Meridian Health Solutions strives to be an accessible resource and advocate for our patients as they go through ART processes such as IVF and IUI. Every person’s fertility journey is unique, important, and valid. We are honored to see each whole person and walk with them on the journey.


Once pregnant, we continue supporting all aspects of you – and your baby! Our whole-person care give you exactly what you need to not only get through, but to thrive.

We work on the normal pregnancy issues: nausea, fatigue, digestion, mood, sleep, body aches… and also the annoyingly weird issues that can appear during pregnancy, because each of us is special.

We’ll talk together about the best ways to nourish you through food. We are experienced in how to use acupuncture safely and effectively during all stages of pregnancy. As a rule, we are minimalists when it comes to herbal medicine and pregnancy, but use them if you would clearly benefit. Our herbs are almost all organic or premium-grade. They’re herbs that we felt confident taking during our own pregnancies.

The first trimester is often the most difficult, so we suggest acupuncture sessions every 1-2 weeks to get you through this vulnerable time. After that, we typically have monthly sessions to keep you feeling great.

Labor Preparation

At full term or 37 weeks, it’s time to start preparing your body for labor through a series of special acupuncture treatments, exercises, and home remedies.

The goal is to optimize baby positioning, align the pelvic tissues, help with cervical ripening, and coordinate uterine contractions.

The treatments don’t make you go into labor; babies should be in the womb until they are ready. We set the stage for your body to be well-prepared, so when it’s time, you can have a smooth and efficient labor. 


After the Baby Comes: Optimizing Postpartum Care

The process of pregnancy and childbirth consumes an enormous amount of energy and resources. Many cultures that value women and parenting have healing traditions during the postpartum time. Chinese Medicine has a comprehensive philosophy devoted to the process of replenishing and restoring resources for the mother, and by association, the new child.

The Chinese term Zuo Yue Zi (坐月子) literally means “sitting through the lunar cycle”, and refers to the crucial month after giving birth, for the mother to rest and replenish. Special foods, herbs, gentle exercises, acupuncture, moxibustion (a type of warming therapy), and belly binding can all be a part of the healing routine.

At MHS, new parents are always treated as unique individuals and we make recommendations based on your own postpartum needs:

The most important thing is Adequate Rest. We cannot emphasize this enough! “Adequate rest” for an uncomplicated vaginal birth means: the birthing parent should have full bedrest (and/or couch rest, the point is to be comfortably horizontal) for at least 3 days, getting up only to use the bathroom. Have your meals and baby brought to you. After that, you can move lightly around the house, but still be horizontal as much as possible for at least a week. Births with complications or C-sections require more rest time. This gives your body time to realign the internal organs. Taking time to rest now will improve your whole post-birth recovery.

Eating a diet rich in blood-building foods such as grass-fed meat, bone broth, cooked colorful veggies, beets, eggs, wild-caught shellfish and cold water fish, collagen, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, and fermented foods. Though all healthy diets share commonalities, we also make recommendations based on your specific health needs.

You may benefit from exercises such as yoga or Pilates; we have a referral network of great local instructors.

Personalized acupuncture treatments and herbal formulas speed up postpartum healing. Whenever possible (over 95% of the time), we source organic or premium-grade herbs that pass tests for pesticides, preservatives, and heavy metals. They’re herbs that we felt confident taking during our own pregnancies.

Chinese medicine can be a comprehensive support for postpartum health, and offers effective treatments for:

  • Post-partum depression
  • Nursing problems/pain
  • Body temperature dysregulation, fevers, nightsweats
  • Body aches
  • Digestive issues
  • Various problems associated with lack of sleep
  • And more!

No two pregnancies or postpartums are the same. Every person’s needs are unique, and our practitioners are here to support you through this crazy, exhilarating, wonderful time.


Since 2004, the practitioners of Meridian Health Solutions (MHS) have worked with the lactation consultants at UNC-Chapel Hill to study the use of acupuncture in treating breast pain associated with lactation.

For the purpose of this study, all patients referred to MHS have received western or conventional-medicine treatment for at least one month without resolution. Given that UNC has top-notch lactation consultants, these referrals are generally classed as difficult-to-treat cases.

Our in-house data show that our treatments reduce lactation pain in the majority of cases, with most patients experiencing immediate pain reduction during the first treatment. Patients are properly draped during these treatments with no needles ever inserted into the breasts, making it a safe and comfortable process. Once we figure out the cause of their pain, we also teach patients simple acupressure techniques they can do from home, which empowers self-healing, and reduces the number of treatments needed.

Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine safely and effectively helps with many lactation-related issues, including:

  • Recurrent mastitis
  • Insufficient lactation
  • Incomplete emptying/poor letdown
  • Vasospasms

We understand that improving breastfeeding issues is urgent for both the nursing parent and baby, so we prioritize getting these patients in for treatments quickly.