
Immune / autoimmune

From acute viral patterns to chronic autoimmune disease, we have tools to help you support, balance, and understand your immune system.


Immune / autoimmune

From acute viral patterns to chronic autoimmune disease, we have tools to help you support, balance, and understand your immune system.

Diseases of the immune system can involve allergic conditions like seasonal allergies, asthma, or eczema. Or gut issues like food allergies or food sensitivities. Or autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerative colitis. As diverse as they are, there’s one thing in common: the immune system is responding to dysregulated signals from acute and chronic inflammation.

Regardless of what kind of immune issue you’re dealing with, decreasing inflammation is paramount to the successful treatment and management of immune disorders. We have many patients with immune disorders who were over-medicated, their cases poorly managed, and were suffering immensely, who came to MHS as a “last resort.” Using a natural and multi-strategy approach to treating their immune system and addressing systemic inflammation has offered these patients immense relief and a return to a more normal life:

Acupuncture treatments regulate your immune system, promote healthy circulation patterns, alleviate pain, and decrease stress and the inflammatory response. We employ several different styles of acupuncture to treat your specific condition, whether you’re dealing with minor or more extreme and complex symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders.

Dietary counseling is critical to treatment and targets your unique constitution. We help you find the right anti-inflammatory diet that will dampen the immune system’s hyperactive tendencies and promote its healing properties.

Herbal and nutritional supplementation is immensely valuable to treat symptoms on a daily basis and to improve fundamental biological processes. Blood sugar regulation, hormonal and neurotransmitter balance, and immune system modulation are all addressed with herbs and supplements resulting in overall decreased inflammation.

Here are the specific ways we support each condition:


Autoimmune diseases happen when a patient’s immune system has antibodies that target the destruction of their own tissues—such as their joints, skin, connective tissue, or gut. They can be mildly annoying or severe and debilitating. Acupuncture treatments help manage the symptoms associated with the condition no matter what system they’re occurring in the body. The treatments focus on regulating your immune system and decreasing the inflammatory response. Acupuncture also helps regulate the stress response, which is often a huge contributor to autoimmune flareups. Supporting the nervous system decreases the severity and duration of flareups, keeping you in remission, longer.

We also work extensively with your diet to help you find a way of eating that is supportive of your whole system. Figuring out which foods trigger inflammation in your body and helping you learn which foods support healthy gut-barrier function to prevent the inflammatory cascade. We can recommend custom-tailored herbs and supplements based on your individual symptoms and the way the autoimmune condition presents in your body. By doing this, we help your gut heal, your immune system settle down, and your whole body be less reactive and thereby, less symptomatic.

Immune system dysregulation

Immune system dysregulation can be caused anything that creates a maladaptive change in the mechanisms of immune function. Examples of such symptoms include: catching frequent colds or getting sick easily; inability to completely get over cold symptoms; post-viral symptoms like lingering fatigue, cough, weakness, or shortness of breath; experiencing a weird smoke smell (we’ve seen it!); onset of hives for the first time in your life; elevated heart rate, or palpitations. But the list goes on and on. Traditional Asian Medicine has many ways of treating them and restoring balance to immune function.

Food allergies

Food allergies are an immunoglobulin-mediated immune response that can be as extreme as anaphylaxis. Food sensitivities point to milder reactions, generally mediated by different immunoglobulins. Both happen when the immune system registers a particular food as a threat, creating symptoms in pretty much any system in the body, from the gut to skin to brain. This “losing tolerance” shows up as having increasing number of foods that can’t be tolerated. It’s important to address because the less variety you have in your diet, the weaker your gut becomes.

We offer testing, if necessary, to help determine which foods your body is reacting to. But oftentimes your practitioner can figure out which foods to avoid just by hearing what your symptoms are.

While dietary counselling is a huge part of treating food allergies and sensitivities, acupuncture is also extremely helpful. Since inflammation is key, we use treatments to calm systemic inflammation, restore healthy circulation to all the areas that are symptomatic, and support healthy recognition in the immune system, so it stops over-reacting to what you eat. Nutritional supplements and herbs help support the health and strength of the gut on a daily basis. We’ll often prescribe things like digestive enzymes, specific strains of probiotics geared toward your individual symptoms, and nutrients that support healthy gut-immune function, to heal and soothe an inflamed gut barrier. All these tactics, over time, allow you to be less symptomatic and re-introduce healthy foods back into your diet.

Environmental allergies

Environmental Allergies result from a hypersensitivity of the immune system reacting to particulates or allergens like pollen, dust, molds, dander, or environmental toxins. An inflammatory response occurs releasing histamines and leukotrienes which cause the familiar sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, nasal congestion, headache, runny nose, or even asthma attacks and skin rashes.

We see people who are on one, if not more, daily allergy medication who still experience symptoms. Supplements can work wonders to address over- reactivity of the immune system and calm inflammation. Chinese herbs can be extremely helpful for treating symptoms, helping the congestion, itchiness, and general misery of environmental allergies. And acupuncture treats it all—working on the systemic patterns that create the inflammation and hyperactive immune response, often immediately alleviating many of the annoying symptoms.

The practitioners at MHS have extensive training and experience in the management of autoimmune disorders, food allergies and sensitivities, and allergies. We help patients significantly improve to their health. We empower patients in understanding how to care for themselves, how to avoid the triggers of their flare-ups, what tools help them feel better, so they can enjoy a more healthy and balanced life.


We do not offer acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) treatments for cancer. But we work with many patients undergoing cancer therapy to improve their quality of life. Both the NIH and the American Cancer Society recognize acupuncture and TEAM as therapies that can decrease nausea/vomiting during chemotherapy, alleviate side effects of surgical anesthesia, and relieve pain (1,2,3,4,5). Acupuncture has also improved dyspnea (difficulty breathing) in advanced breast and lung cancer patients (6).

If you’re a cancer patient undergoing the stressful process of chemotherapy or radiation, you know that while those therapies may be necessary for treating cancer, they can also make you feel pretty terrible. The most important service we can provide is to help you maintain a baseline quality of life. Our whole-person treatments support your digestion, sleep, mental/emotional health, and decrease pain.

We also support your immune system, so you stay healthy during the treatments, and keep white blood cell counts in a healthy range so you can finish the courses of chemotherapy or radiation (7). TEAM therapies can also improve the results of conventional treatment: a study on using Chinese herbal medicine alongside chemotherapy found that at five-year follow-up, the recurrence and metastasis for the chemo/herb group was 10%, versus 35% for the chemo-alone group. Mortality rates were at 8% for the chemo/herb group and 20% for the chemo-alone group (8).

University of California researchers have found that using Chinese herbs as a complementary therapy during cancer treatment “reduce the tumor load; prevent recurrence or formation of a new primary cancer; bolster the immune system; enhance the regulatory function of the endocrine system; protect the structure and function of internal organs and glands; strengthen the digestive system by improving absorption and metabolism; protect bone marrow and hematopoetic function; and prevent, control, and treat adverse side-effects caused by conventional treatments for cancer.” (9)

How are treatments scheduled?

Treatments are custom-tailored to fit each patient’s needs. Many find acupuncture so helpful during their standard therapy that they request a treatment with each chemo/radiation session. For example, if a patient has chemo every Wednesday for 3 weeks in a row, she may have acupuncture every Tuesday during those 3 weeks, then skip acupuncture during her off week from chemo. Other patients find that one acupuncture treatment per two radiation sessions is sufficient support. During western medical treatment breaks, occasional acupuncture and daily herbal medicine may help to build up your immune system, regulate digestion, and improve overall energy. The practitioners at MHS practitioners gladly work with you and your doctor to fit your needs, and help you have the best possible outcome.


1. NIH Consensus Panel. Acupuncture. NIH Consensus Development Statement. Bethesda, MD, Nov 3-5, 1997

2. Vickers AJ. Can acupuncture have specific effects on health? A systematic review of acupuncture antiemesis trials. J R Soc Med. 1996. 89.303-311

3. American Cancer Society.

4. Shen J, et al. Electroacupuncture for Control of myeloablative chemotherapy induced Emesis: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 2000. 284(21):2755-2761

5. Beinfeld H, Korngold E. Chinese medicine and cancer care. Altern Ther Health Med. 2003;9(5).

6. Vickers AJ, et al. Acupuncture for dyspnea in advanced cancer: a randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial. BMC Palliat Care, 2005 Aug 18,4:5.

7. Li Peiwen. Management of Cancer with Chinese Medicine. Donica Publishing, 2003. Distributed by Churchill and Livingstone. pp. 76-77. pp 79.

8. Wong R, Sagar CM, Sagar SM. Integration of Chinese medicine into supportive cancer care: a modern role for an ancient tradition. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2001;27:235-246.

9. Tagliaferri M. et al. Complementary and alternative medicine in early stage breast cancer. Seminars in Oncology, Vol 28, No 1(Feb), 2001:127.