
Menstrual & Women’s Health

We combine the ancient tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern scientific knowledge to support women’s reproductive health, from first menstruation to post-menopause.


Menstrual & Women’s Health

We combine the ancient tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern scientific knowledge to support women’s reproductive health, from first menstruation to post-menopause.

Do you have regular periods? Do you have cramps? How heavy is the flow? What color is the blood? How does your body or mood change the week before your period?

We ask these and many other questions when assessing your menstrual health, which really is a window into your general health. We incorporate mind and body in diagnosis and treatment of conditions that specifically affect women and people who menstruate, with great success in achieving health for the whole person. Here we list two commonly-seen examples.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by lack of mature follicle development in the ovaries, irregular or no ovulation and periods, infertility, excessive growth of facial and body hair, and weight gain. PCOS is strongly linked with insulin resistance or blood sugar problems. Conventional medicine’s treatment for PCOS is diabetes medications or the birth control pill, which merely mask the symptoms.

Your MHS practitioner would look at the underlying reasons for PCOS, and provide ways to address the root of the syndrome. We can help to regulate periods and ovulation and improve insulin resistance, promote weight loss, as well as clear up hormonal acne.


Endometriosis is growth of uterine (endometrial) tissue outside of the uterus, often leading to pelvic pain, abdominal adhesions, very heavy periods, and may decrease fertility. Conventional treatments address the end-stage symptoms with hormonal therapies, pain relievers, and surgical removal of extra-uterine endometrial tissue.

Our treatments support the normalization of endometrial tissue, rebalance circulation, and alleviate pain, which often also improves fertility.

For these and most other women’s health issues, we use 3 main treatment strategies:

Acupuncture to promote healthy circulation patterns, balance the immune system, decrease stress, and alleviate pain;

Dietary counseling with a focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide optimal reproductive and overall health;

Herbal and nutritional supplementation to balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, stabilize blood sugars, and enhance mental-emotional well-being.


Every now and then, we meet a woman who fares the perimenopause-to-menopause transition with extreme ease and grace. She may experience a gradual lengthening in the time between her cycles, until one day, she has no more periods. She is able to carry on with life in the same way as before—with steady energy, strength, and mental clarity. The only difference is that she no longer needs to be bothered with a monthly period.

But the majority of women and people who menstruate have a harder time. In our clinic, we’ve seen the difficulties range from moderately uncomfortable hot flashes to drenching sweats, insomnia, anxiety, exhaustion, severe joint pain, body rashes, and even the onset of autoimmune disorders.

How do we reconcile these two realities? How can the same term – menopause – even be applied to such different pictures? It’s important to understand that menopause is a process. Though we now lead lives of instant gratification, our bodies respond to the days and years of nourishment (or lack thereof!) that precede the here and now. How you nurture your body before the perimenopausal transition – your diet, exercise, sleep, stress levels – will be reflected in how you experience perimenopause and menopause.

The practitioners at MHS understand the energetics, physiology, and neuroimmunology underpinning the menopausal process. Though it may not be explicitly stated, when we work with women in their 30s and 40s (and even when we see a 12-year-old girl here in the clinic), we are working to build the foundations for a balanced hormonal system that will one day be invaluable during their menopausal years.

But if a patient comes to us for the first time around her perimenopausal time, seemingly falling apart from all the symptoms that “suddenly” appeared, we use our training to quickly hone in on the root(s) of the imbalance, begin the process of nourishment and repair, so that she can move forward in a positive way.

Common Women’s Health Conditions Treated at MHS:

  • All aspects of fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum (add links)
  • Labor preparation
  • Lactation support (add link)
  • Anovulation (no ovulation)
  • Amenorrhea (no periods)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
  • Endometriosis
  • Normalizing cycles after stopping hormonal contraceptives
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • PCOS / irregular cycles
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Peri/Menopause (see below)

… And many, many more.